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Three Reasons You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage


Millions of people hit the roads across the United States every day, and a shockingly high number of them don’t have car insurance. Without financial backing or responsibility, these drivers could place those they are involved with in serious financial trouble. That is, of course, unless the driver they hit carries uninsured motorist coverage.

What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

When you purchase your car insurance, you’ll have the ability to purchase several different types of coverage, ranging from bodily injury to collision to window damage. Uninsured motorist coverage is designed to pay for the injuries you and your passengers sustain as well as some of the damage to your vehicle when you are involved in a hit-and-run accident or with an uninsured driver.

“Uninsured” drivers either have no insurance at all, have insurance but not enough to meet the minimum liability standards in the state in which the accident occurred, or is a driver who has insurance, but the claim was denied by their insurance company and the driver is unable to pay for the damages out of their pocket.

As you can imagine, a driver who does not have insurance has no financial responsibility, so even though you might be able to file a lawsuit against them, getting the compensation you need for the damages you suffer can be extremely difficult, and those who are involved in these accidents are often stuck footing the bill for their losses on their own.

Here are three reasons why you should consider having uninsured motorist coverage:

Lots of drivers don’t have insurance.
Even though recent statistics show that Idaho drivers are among the most responsible in the nation, with just 6.7 percent not being covered in the year 2012, those who aren’t covered are still a serious threat. In some states, the amount of uninsured drivers is much higher, with as many as one in four drivers in some states hitting the road uninsured. You can never be too careful; you never know when an unfortunate tragedy will strike and the party involved won’t have financial responsibility covering them.

Can you pay all your bills?
Even minor injuries can accrue major medical expenses. Ambulance rides cost thousands of dollars, hospital stays can cost hundreds or thousands more, and the medications, treatments, appointments, and other things you need to recover from the injuries you sustain can leave you with a daunting stack of medical bills. Unless you have a substantial emergency fund sitting around, probably not. Uninsured motorist coverage can provide you with the extra backing you need to make sure these bills are covered and you get the treatment you need, even if the other party doesn’t have the ability to pay for it.

It’s not expensive.
Uninsured motorist coverage is amazingly affordable. Since it’s so rarely needed, especially here in Idaho, adding a good amount of uninsured motorist coverage is just a few extra dollars per month on your premium. However, in exchange you receive substantial protection for both injury losses as well as damage to your vehicle!

Have you been injured in a car accident? Call a Pocatello car accident attorney from May Rammell and Thompson to request a consultation and start reviewing your options today!
